News — tribal art

Gond Art - Preserving Gond Tribal Art Form

Gond Art - Preserving Gond Tribal Art Form

India is home to an uncountable number of Tribes; each one very different from the others. One such tribe is GOND residing in central India, Madhya Pradesh. This tribe is more than 1400 years old, and practice an ancient art form called "GOND PAINTING" Gond Tribe believe strongly about appreciating nature and they derive all their inspiration from the natural beauty, the mountains, the animals, trees, etc. They used to carve Gond Art on cave walls and cloth using natural vivid colors. They used to paint on the floors and walls of their houses signifying good luck. Today, Government of...

Kalighat Painting - A Folk Art with Modern Style

Aditi Gupta

Tags blog, Culture, Handicraft, India, made in India, painting, tribal art

Kalighat Painting - A Folk Art with Modern Style
Kalighat painting originated during the 19th Century on the banks of Ma Kali temple (also known as KALIGHAT).  that has evolved as a unique genre of Indian painting, and is gaining popularity in the Modern India. From the depiction of various figures of Gods and other folk characters, these paintings use bold and deep colours.