
Difference between Mysore and Tanjore Paintings

Both Tanjore and Mysore paintings are unique in their own and possess a high rate of individuality right from making to finishing, these artworks have certainly earned a valuable group of audience who love to buy these paintings and highly adore their ethnic value. Both the Mysore and Tanjore paintings have highly contributed to the upliftment of our culture in the field of artwork and painting work.

These two painting categories have their origin and rich cultural background. Here in this article, we will be looking at the core difference between Tanjore and Mysore paintings, which are the most eminent kind of artworks and crowned to hold high supremacy in the arena of Indian artwork. 


Tanjore Paintings

Creation of Tanjore painting involves various stages, first it requires a structured layout formation followed by creating a precised and unique sketching according to the demand of the painting to be embedded and then it involves adding ornament stones, where there exist different kinds of ornament or gemstone which need to be handpicked according to the nature of the painting and it must suit with the painting work in terms of physical appearance. Finally, the gold foil is added over the painting work to enrich its eliteness and to showcase its uniqueness.



Mysore Paintings


Similar to Tanjore paintings, Mysore paintings also involves several steps in its making process where initially it starts with framing the sketch for the final artwork by the artist on the base, where the base contains a cartridge paper pasted on a wooden base. Then a mixture of zinc oxide and Arabic gum is used to create a special paste called “gesso paste” which used around the painting to give an elevated effect. Then the gold foil is pasted over it followed by using of watercolours in its completion process.

Both Tanjore and Mysore paintings are unique in their own and possess a high rate of individuality right from making to finishing, these artworks have certainly earned a valuable group of audience who love to buy these paintings and highly adore their ethnic value. Both the Mysore and Tanjore paintings have highly contributed to the upliftment of our culture in the field of artwork and painting work.

In this image, left one is Mysore Painting and right one is Tanjore Painting.

These two painting categories have their origin and rich cultural background. Here in this article, we will be looking at the core difference between Tanjore and Mysore paintings, which are the most eminent kind of artworks and crowned to hold high supremacy in the arena of Indian artwork.


Difference between Mysore and Tanjore Paintings


Tanjore Painting Mysore Painting
Painting crafted on a cloth and mounted over a wood Painting is crafted on a paper and mounted over wood or canvas
The paste of raw lime and tamarind seed is used for “Gesso Effect” Paste of white lead and Makhi Gaboge is used for creating the Golden tint (Gesso Effect)
Gesso is applied to high relief Gesso is applied to a low relief
Mixture of gold and silver wafers are used Only gold wafer were used
Lot of supporting elements like pearls, glasses and amber is used for embellishment Watercolours are the primary source of


Source: Ethnictanjorearts

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